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SSO Ways : SAPLogonTicket & User Mapping

Many System in SAP environment, we need to create simple communication between SAP product, in this case if we want to integrate between SAP ECC and SAP EP, we can use SSO method for easy communcation

in many case, we can divide SSO method with 2 main ways :
  1. SSO with SAPLogonTicket, in this way, we need generate  Certificate between two systems and exchange both certificate, this method is recommended by SAP
  2. SSO with User Mapping, in this way we need map user at SAP EP with user at SAP ECC, so SSO will work together.
So, in many case the simpler administration SSO with SAPLogonTicket is best method, but if we want to test some users we can use SSO with user mapping

so, go with your option.

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